Thread: Some Truth
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Old 08-16-05, 09:28 AM   #1
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,550
Some Truth


Some Truth

Like a student adapt to school and rap cool, trap fools
With textbook take a complex look at my map tools
Roads of education loads of information to be shared
Wear bling tight but need wings in flight to success dared
To be famous, like foreign aid contribute to the rise
Of economics by rapping wise Ebonics that’ll surprise
The public recognize the subject of rap being disguised
Taste steak and waste great flavor on my plate meat too tough
Can’t eat this stuff need to reheat on grill for Labor Day it scuffed
My boots, got ocean of scriptures like motion pictures some
Are short stories all sorts of glories in rhyme sweet like Rum
Learning to add and subtract I’ll be a bad thug whack without
Math skills life’s path ill and wrath fills roadways no doubt
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