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Old 08-16-05, 08:29 PM   #8
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

Originally Posted by Doomsday
Yo jsut cuz someone gives you free beats dosen't mean the samples are cleared. As a matter of fact, it means the opposite! You go using them and you can EASILY get sued HARD and it definitely aint' uncommon. Let a track with a sampled beat make it to the air (like most of us are aiming to do) or any other media outside of you own CD and you stand a high-ass chance of getting straight up sued hard man.

And being your own many of you guys have law degrees or even have books on entertainment law? If so, which? Being your own manager = horrible idea and how you get raped on a 5CD term on your first deal.

I'm only suggestin this because we need to A: protect our selves and B: know that majors ain't gonna fuck with you AT ALL till you get em. Shit man, that CD with the photocopied insert goes right in the garbage because they can see immediately that you aren't serious about your music. And that's coming directly form an A/R at Warner.

Omen, why are you still here? Your last buddy on this board finally realized what a waste of life you are. Take that hate shit elsewhere.

firstly UK is different to US...our scene is too small so nobody can afford to rip anybody off in our scene really but i dont trust very easy dats y i cant trust sum1 else bein manager(i mhave my reasons for it).... and rite now im only startin out... if it keeps like it is ill look into one probably untill dat time comes im my own manager... but my mates mum is a solicitor(uks version of a lawyer basically) and is allways willin to vgive advice were i need it so wenever im faced wit a contract... i read it... and afterwards let mher read it and advice me on wat to do or wat not to do..... also most producers send me beats dat arent sampled... totally composed by dem but sampled beats i do recieve... samples are allways cleared by da producer and i ask for proof aswell and follow it up in order to make sure its legit
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