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Old 08-16-05, 08:38 PM   #10
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

Originally Posted by Doomsday
pretty healthy way to proceed considering the circumstances. Having a hookup that's a lawyer is definitely helpful - but don't forget about management. There's a big difference between a manager and a lawyer.

dont vget me wrong.. but she provides da advice i need in order to avoid bein fucked over and taught me sooooo much i can usually see loop mholes on my own now wivout askin or see suttin dat could lead to me bein ripped off n wat not... n like i say rite now.. im not lookin for wat manavgers usually do.. i vgot da contacts.. n am bein able to perform were i want etc and im makin my moves to vget noticed.. once im past da point of puttin da name out and lookin at recievin more money for wat i do etc dats wen ill look into a manager.... but rite now i jus dnt feel it necasary
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