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Old 08-19-05, 11:25 PM   #5
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Monkey Business

Green grass as far as the little eye can see between the trees,
Full with little kids running and darting and falling to scabbed knees.
But they hardly notice the falls and pain cuz the fun is more attractive,
Child's play or monkey business, who knows, least they are active.

TAG! Haha got you! Try and catch me now!
Yells a little boy wiping sweat off of his brow.
Nu uh! Screams a little girl, you missed me!
So young and innoecent, not knowing misery.
Yes huh! I got you on the shoulder stupid!
The girl frowns indignently in a sweater her mother knitted.
No you didn't! Did he get me girls?
Back when numbers ruled everyone's world.
No, he missed you! You are fine Megan!
The boy runs at the girl and misses her again.

A few years later however things don't change, they just mature,
Guys didn't like girls, and girls didn't like guys, now we aren't too sure.
Some are interested, some aren't, others couldn't care less,
When winning isn't as important long as you got ice cream for doing your best.

I don't get math, how does a X make something bigger?
A little boy at his desk scratching his head trying to figure
Out how math works and why he has to learn english when he's fine,
Don't worry son, just take it one step at a time. Smiles his dad,
Hey I get it now! Thanks dad, this stuff actually isn't that bad!
Now can you help me with English? Nouns are kind of confusing,
Now we look back and they aren't, but at least he is trying.

Sometimes times change and we confuse this with maturity as we age,
No longer just dreaming of stardom, but actually going on the stage.
Thinking about our future, both with girls and school work too,
What's happening you? Parent's tried to warn you and now you know it's true.

Hey dad can I borrow the car? I'm meeting the guys for a game tonight!
Sure thing son! Just be sure to stay safe and avoid any more fights!
He attacked me dad! What was I spose to do? Let him hit me?
I was just kidding son, just be home before 11 or else I will worry.
So the teenager goes and parties, drinking and hooking with a few chicks,
Making out and more, not caring that he is in public.
Trying to drive home, but a few friends want to go and have some fun,
He tries to avoid it, but finally they catch him and ask if he wants to join um.
He doesn't want to, it's almost 11 already but they're already ready,
He can still drive, not to drunk, if he concentrates he can stay steady.
They break windows, blow up mail boxes, do donuts in the driveway.
He remembers everything of the night the next day though,
His dad shows sadness, but the son avoids his eye looking at the window.

As we grow, our definition of fun changes and so does a good time alone,
Once crying for the dead, now you are actually picking out your tombstone.
Like slang does from time to time, Bust a rhyme man! Or catch ya on the flipside,
Monkey business never dies out, it just changes with the person inside.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.