Thread: cryogenics
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Old 08-20-05, 06:32 PM   #10
.The Movement.
Posts: 1,162
From: Valhalla

what u think of this:
those who believe in the bible believe that immortality was originally granted to humans, but then taken away. that means that immortality IS possible, which means that eventually someone will probably discover it...

i dont believe in the bible, but that should be a good enough thery for those who do...

i will now respond to other people's arguments:

to those doubting that immortality will ever be discovered:
right now, i see it as unlikely....but 2,000 years ago, do u think anyone would have predicted things like electricity, or internet? and with this, we could be talking millions of years...
also, lightspeed space travel is likely to be discovered before immortality... what if another species found in another galaxy/solar system will have the technology to immortality...
also, dont see immortality as a magical thing that makes people live could be a genetic alteration or something else (see my original theory)

to those doubting that god will allow it
does god directly interfere with the world? as u religious people probably know, god theoretically granted humans free choice

to will s.unyu:
i'm talkin about freezing dead people so they dont rot, and hoping that eventually technology will allow them to revived...
ur theoretical living cryogenics would work much better, tho...
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