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Old 08-20-05, 07:04 PM   #37
Coming to Kill you All
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Originally Posted by will appear
the bible does state that homosexuality is wrong
but who is the president to inforce his beleifs on someone else
they should jus tlet them get married whats the difference
and gay ppl cant reproduce but they can adopt children who arent wanted by ppl who reproduce and dont care

The presidend does it cuz he can...n I hate bush..but he even he knows it's wrong to have gays marry.AIDS is spread easier through male intercource than any other way.So why help a disease that already spreads a lot on it's own?N adoption is wrong.The people who put they children up for adoption don't care..but the child would.I neva met anyone adopted who was happy with it.They always ask..."why didn't my real mother or father want me"?And besides...having 2 men or 2 women raise you?HELL NO!!

Originally Posted by Thassarap
no im not gay, but im not RACIST either
just because i defend others people's rights, doesnt make me one of them
could u explain why u hate gays so much, w/o repeating anything that u've already said? and if ur reason is religion, please give a counter-argument to my argument on the first post of this page

Homosexuality is not a race.So it's not rasism.And I ain't exactly religous as a matter of fact.The reason for my disliking gays is stated above as disease spreads easier that's scary to think about it.I'm a I don't have to worry about gettin raped by a there may be some horny gay man..bigger than me that has the power to do I live with knowing you got raped is bad...but gettin raped by someone GAY!?!!?ANd plus AIDS is easily transmitted through gays.

*shutters at the thought of a gay man wanting to rape*

SO ya....
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