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Old 08-21-05, 03:54 PM   #5
Black Queen
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Posts: 1,183

yous lackin fine wit my text is divine try matchin mine kids
but don’t ‘think yall can school me’ being absent minded
you write rhymes for kids novel,I write "Text-for-Dummies"
your dick's too small, wudn't be rich if you turned sex-to-money
verse is just clowned..but if ya dick size was seen in ya steeze bars
then you`d have more ‘1-inch punches’ that`d rival bruce lee’s art
you're most cowardly puss on this board, you ain't bad as me
bitch thought making new aliases would give him more personality
wow, you’re a horrible lyricist, ur verse is just….babble babble
do your words ever have a point? Not even when playing scrabble
and just forget about creative bars, jus stick ta ya played lines
you're ass will never release an album with your one-tracked mind