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Old 08-22-05, 06:20 PM   #13
New to RV
Posts: 29
From: London

Originally Posted by A'Cred
Wait jesus had a wife? I'm not an athiest I just don't have a religion. I believe in god, but any catholic/christian/religious talk I usually spff at.

A cred I am with you on that - I have looked and studied many religions and have found that they are rooting from the same school of thought. Just adapted to suit the people who follow it. I always say that there is most definately an ultimate being - the creator but as human beings we can never comprehend or even voice our opinions on who, what and why we are here and which faith to beleive in. That is why my body is my temple and I treat people how I expect to be treated nothing more nothing less. Sorry everyone for going off there.

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