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Old 08-22-05, 07:05 PM   #8
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

Voted For: fraud


U Dont Want Beef Or You'll Trigger My Inc, So Obay Your Boss..
You Aint Dieting On Mc's So Like Fat People Weight, Ur Expecting A Loss..
3.. Barely decent..
My Punches Like 'The-Art-Of-War, Stabing You With Sharp Objects From 'Hardware-Stores'
Lemme Break This 'PIMP' Like Ya Got 'Larger-Pores'..' Cumming' To Get a 'Beat'in', I've Seen 'SMARTER WHORES'!!
1.. This was just retarded..
U Winnin' Battles? Just A 'Matter Of Interaction' - Nothin SHORT-OF-PHYSICS,
Damn U Still Here? I'll Just Leave Your Career Here Short-Lived Like ABORTED-MIDGETS
3.. Barely decent again..

Overall - 7

New Edition

Playa thinks his "fat" spitter, me like piece of cake,
just eat,cauze "NEW" cake doesnt choke,it makes ur insides brake.
0.. This was just a statement..
And fuck that solo told me to take new teacher....i dont,
Im not like u fraud, my only homework is get beat ya.
2.. Why the shit did you add "i dont" after teacher. That totally bombed the rhyme scheme in this line.. However, the concept had potential.. it just didn't work out right..
But you are with stupid........... so u cant type ur words,
cauze bitch doesnt duck in "net" he looks competitors.
2.. Concept had potential.. but you bombed it with your wording..

Overall - 4

Vote - Fraud