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Old 08-23-05, 04:04 AM   #6
WhAt EvEr It TaKeS
I'll Do WhAt EvEr It TaKeS To Succeed
Posts: 101

exposed, cause stanza couldn't come sick if he had a fever
stanza could 'shit out an award' but still wouldn't be an 'achiever'
when i'm done, the pan'll be attach to you sort of like peter
the edge will leave stanza cut up, cause i come with e meat cleaver
slow progress cause his process of making it come's like a snail
any slower you can move back, cause his delivery slower then mail
IM'ed me and said "please vote for me against nostradamus"
i promised i votes so i voted nos, well at least he lost honest
if stanza wanted to conceal his identity, he couldn't be able to
i'm like a life machine i bring him a flat line like it's fatal dude
stan's to much of a self glory person, you don't need medication*
you could board a plain an write your verse still would succeed in elevation

*In his old sig it said so sick i need medication

~*~Operation Take Over~*~

WhAt EvEr It TaKeS