Thread: ....Eminem?....
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Old 08-23-05, 04:52 AM   #23
Posts: 6,909
From: Chicago, IL

Yvonne you did like eminem. You used to be known for DR'n all white rappers. And aren't you white? And As a black man I believe rap isn't a racial thing. Rock is very racial now. I actually started rappin' after I heard stillmatic, but em has influenced me too. You say he talks about the same thing right? What makes talking about your daughter and your family different from talking about how good your raps are. He's expressing himself, you gotta respect that. He's talented. One of my favorites also. I still can't believe your change of heart about em though. Eminem is great. I respect your oppinion, but if blacks discriminate against whites we are no better then what they're doing to us. Thats very hipocritical. Em=one of the best.
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