Thread: ....Eminem?....
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Old 08-23-05, 10:46 AM   #29
.The Movement.
Posts: 1,162
From: Valhalla

stfu, u fuckin racist
eminem has more skill than ANY other rapper, blacks included... he acts like himself, don't stereotype the behavior of different races... he grew up in the ghetto, and he acts like everyone else there... the behavior u refer to as "black" can be more accurately generalized as "ghetto" and eminem is... just cause he's white growin up wit black people, don't u think it makes sense that he acts like them... and no, eminem isn't the only rapper with a kid, but he's not the only one who mentions it... game raps about his son, cassidy raps about his son, lots of other rappers do to... just cause eminem's white doesnt mean that he doesnt deserve to be a rapper, i dunno what the whole "blacks only cult" thing that u were talkin about is like, but rap is NOT blacks only, next u gon be sayin that jin don't deserve to be a rapper cause he's asian os somethin, stfu, eminem doesnt think he's black, listen to one of his songs, he raps about bein WHITE, he's proud of himself for bein the only real succesful white rapper, and he deserves it, he worked harder than anyone else
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