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Old 08-23-05, 02:03 PM   #1
vanquising Mc's Daily
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From: Halifax, Canada
Mariah pukes a punch at Eminem


Los Angeles, Aug. 21: He is already battling with drugs, litigious relatives and tens of thousands of disappointed fans. Now Eminem, who cancelled his European tour last week to seek treatment for a sleeping-pill addiction, has another problem: an angry woman on the warpath.

The foul-mouthed rapper has reportedly enraged singer Mariah Carey after he broadcast at his recent US concerts voicemails she allegedly left for him. The messages, supposedly recorded when the two collaborated four years ago, feature her begging: “I heard you were getting back with your ex-wife. Why won’t you see me? Why won’t you call me?”

With the sneering misogyny that is his stock-in-trade, Eminem played the messages on stage before pretending to vomit and launching into his song Puke.

Carey denies his claims that they had an affair while he worked on her 2001 album Charm Bracelet. Now she is giving a magazine her own, no-holds-barred, account of the time they spent together.

In revelations that could scandalise the libidinous world of rap, her kiss-and-tell will reveal that there was no kissing at all.

“Did I have a sexual relationship with him? No, I didn’t,” she tells next month’s Maxim magazine. “I knew him, I hung out with him a few times, but nothing sexual occurred.... Maybe he thought because nothing happened he’d look bad or something.”

According to reports in the New York Post last week, the singer denies the voice on the messages is hers. The newspaper quoted a “friend” as saying: “That is not her voice on the ‘messages’ played in the concert — it is an imposter. She is considering suing him for defamation. They did hang out, but it was Eminem who followed her around.”

Carey’s attack on Eminem rounds off what has been arguably the grimmest week in his career. According to a statement from his publicist, the 32-year-old has checked himself into Detroit’s Brighton Hospital for treatment for dependency on sleeping drug Ambien after months of insomnia.
fuck you

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