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Old 08-23-05, 07:44 PM   #44
Posts: 13,383
From: Canada

Originally Posted by KhAoZ ThEoRy
Voted For: Drakel

Not a good verse here, alot of your rhymes were horribly worded and lacked a good solid personal, punches were OK in some places, nuthin spectacular in my opinnon.....Creativly you could of been alot more solid with your concepts, overrall i wasnt feeling your verse like i thought i would, I know you can do better.

Good verse man...Personals were alot stronger and more hard hitting than BQ's...creativity cant be faulted, and your complex wordplay got the better of her, Each bar was worded alot better, so it flowed alot easier as you are reading, a good drop man....

Striucture=both of y'all (besides BQ's wording of a few bars)
Mettas= none really

Highlight of the battle was Drakels ''Hauling ass'' line, that was real nice.

My vote goes too drakel for a more consistant verse.

Vote disqualified for inadequate feedback. Please see this thread if you need help on what qualifies as an acceptable explanation.

LMAO at getting this voted DQ'ed. You're whack Black Queen.