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Old 08-24-05, 03:03 PM   #23
a.k.a prozak
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From: your walkman

Originally Posted by Exercism
you eminem dick riders are so gay. Eminem is fake as shit. A southern whiteboy with pure white roots goin back to the time of slavery and had a nice upbringing. and I might add that the dude is an averrage MC at the most and because of all the DR's he has people who are whitey rich shit who listin to shit mike jones or nelly think eminems the best of all time when the homo couldnt go more then two albums with out completely flopping. so fuck eminem, fuck his gay ass movie where he spit pre-written verses to actors who arnt even rappers and i might add that his freestyles were wack! Fuck Eminem, i hope that faggot dies.

wtf u a fuckin dickrider u got the word "dick" in 30 percent of ur reply and fuck you the other kid said most of what there has ta be said......anywayz this uncle freak is just some gay ass faggot tryin ta use anythang he can against marshal sure he may of used alotta truth but it wasnt the real truth, he just found a way ta bend it...eminem barily even raps like a thug em never claimed he was one....eminem mentioned shit in his songs and had a scene in 8 mile bout paintballs so u know he aint even frontin..aint like em tryin ta use that ta make him wtf...everybody knows he said the n word when he was 17...he probably used it more than that one phrase cuz he probably didnt see anythang wrong with it at the time...but like em said he's a diff person now than he was when he was 17....eminem probaably was a mama's boy cuz they even say that in "eminem aka" so dont look like he's tryin ta hide it sure em probably gets along wit his mom sometimes (thats where the mama's boy comes from) but he argued wit his ma and shit (thats where he gets the hate for his ma) and yeah it is true lotz of us white people hate our ma's maybe its a thang wit genetics but white ma's and sons never mix....i defitnly dont mix wit my ma....but sometimes i that prob the same wit em and everyone else...Ronnie didnt even live in the same house as em...em probably visited ronnie but never or hardly ever lived wit him..and just cuz ronnie didnt say shit bout em on his suicide note bout em doesnt mean shit...ronnie was probably too depressed ta think bout anything or anybody else at the time...its quite fuckin obvious this prick is defendin his sister...i mean come on in "eminem aka" debbie's MOM said that debbie lied to marshal sayin that ronnie tried callin em before he killed himself..just cuz debbie wanted ta fuckin stick it all on em ta make it look like em's fault..obviously this freak is tryin ta do the same thang....and this prick doesnt even know shit i mean wtf slim shady gangsta???? we all know what slim shasy is really about...this guy is just tryin ta bend the truth...yeah so what if he lived on 26 mile once in a while doesnt mean he grew up there...accordin ta what he said he only lived in 26 mile between the times he failed 9th he pretty much said it himself...and em aint 8 mile he's 7 mile....8 mile just had a better ring to it and it was pretty damn close to the real location and it was a SEMI-BIOGRAPHY which means its partially true so this guy is evedently as retarded as shit if he doesnt know what that means...oh and by the way for whatever that pricks name was who was talkin trash bout em....of coarse his ancesters are all white and from missouri...why the fuck u think he's a WHITE RAPPA u fuckin racist
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