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Old 08-24-05, 03:13 PM   #30
A Life Of Chryme
Posts: 5,019
From: Boston

hey ass holes that anti christ shit is not logic.......nope not at all...whose to say there is a god.....i my self do believe...but just saying wut about allah and buddah and all those other gods they could do it aswell? well no they simply wont seeing that the world will end in an enviremental fault. meaning the greenhouse effect. which is the polar caps melting...which will raise water in the ocean height and...have tsunamis like crazy and we will drowned.......i saw on the news saying that at the end of this decade boston and the east coast will be under water....and chicago will be the new coast line.......scary to think that it WILL happen in our life time......well atleast half of it......and if this melting of the polar caps does not happen......within 5 million years we will become extinct simply becuz we will kill eachother ....if you dont believe that......your an idiot becuz we murder eachother today, its just a matter of time before we are all gone.......and thats real yo....i learned this in science last year lol and some causes of the greenhouse effect would be hair spray the all of the body sprays *axe,bod,tag* etc...< which also creates a hole in our o-zone layer which lets in uv rays which gives us skin cancer and shit. so basically we are creating our own demise we are just to blind to see. and that will be the only reasons for our end of the world.......and just to let you know in 3 million years its been said that the sun will become a super nova......which is the death of a star....which will throw off the alignments off all of the planets which will be bad of course...we will lose track of our moon which will cause tsnamis and of course our earth will those are some logical reasons for the end of the world/earth....peace son
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