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Old 08-27-05, 08:12 AM   #1
Dirty Nigga
E-Style, Bitch.
Posts: 6,728
Suckah Ass Whiteboy!



Naaah, white peeps are cool

But, What i do hate is.....

You little followers copyin eachother thinkin it makes you '' ''....But it dont..

so why the hell does one person make an account with their name but adds ''alias'' too it, like C.A.L.I Alias, Socates alias and so on, then....Everybody starts doin it.....

The shit is annoying and gay and obviously you people following the newest craze on RV and making that weak alias account take too much pride in your own names and should really stick too what you signed up on the site for...and just rhyme and less of the teen chat room antics please

People Hate What They Can't Conquer
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