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Old 08-29-05, 01:59 PM   #3
Banned: Biting
Posts: 806

Lights open their minds hopin to shine in the darkness...
Time sings a melody of life, minds get sharpened...
The gates of Heaven swing open, children let alive...
A thread of hope rose when the Devil closed his eyes...

The argument to split a true love ends in embracement...
Given to the will to endure, trace of it...
Sacred are the moments when not a soul cries...
Waitin for the hope to arise then He closed his eyes....

Life gives balance and balance brings neutrality...
Light, dark, evil and kindness brinin in casualties...
Mothers wait at windows for busses to bear seeds...
While stalkers wait at schools with candy to steal these...
Sun’s rise and moons fall together in a pattern...
One claims the stock of an empire like it matters...
Economies rise to give death to small communities...
Segregation and separatism negate thoughts of unity...
Gutters run with blood shed as one dead and stripped...
The one that got away ran a block, got pistol whipped...
Street lights dim, then flicker arousing screams....
From the alley way emerge demons with keys in their jeans...
One child’s shortcut becomes a mother’s hell on earth...
While one lost traveler embodies forgotten birth...
A soldier from the depth of war comes home to celebration...
Knowing that without justice, he destroyed a nation...
The world seems to have little care for habitant lives...
But the balance takes effect when the Devil closes his eyes...