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Old 08-29-05, 06:49 PM   #5
13th.'s Avatar
Posts: 4,190
From: U.K

As the scream of a young girl awakes me from the depth of a dream
Hustle and bustle out side there seems,look for the sun but there’s no gleam
No sun that shines but I can hear the faint taps of rain on my room window
Many kinds of noises, as dark clouds creep across my path like a shadow
As I walk to the kitchen, the drawn sound of a car alarm begins from the ground floor
Glazing at the pigeon's flight which rapidly drops something I should not have ignored
Slowly continue my ways to the front room which is now cold and damp
‘Why is the heating not on?’ as suddenly bust the fuse on my only lamp
As I instinctively turn around, I view my walls filling with shades of the darkest water
Blood splattering on my window as men shoot around in a crazed bird's slaughter
I rush back to my closet and put on the first thing I pull out, not looking around
Bursting through my door and out on to the corridor, blood is something that surrounds
The vicious bark of the dogs gets quicker which makes me move faster
Smashed glass and the strong reek of liquor, looks like a killing disaster
My legs become weak as I hear the squeaky police siren ringing through the town
Thunderous sounds which engulf the world as if the sky was going to crash down
Across the road a man with a gun to another ones head at pure point blank
This surely must be a dream another of life’s vengeance and cruel pranks
But then he pulls back the trigger and implants a whole through his head
All are worst crimes and fear comes to true, things we’ve grown to dread
I up my pace to a run, images I thought would never see the day of light
The smashing window and looting on every corner as I hold my heart uptight
But in the mist of gloom and disaster, a gleam white piece of paper, never
Which the headline reads ‘The Devil Closes His Eyes Now and Forever!’

*The Devil has died, so everyone is being bad cuz they know they can’t go to hell