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Old 08-29-05, 07:05 PM   #6
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Voted For: Mad Knight

Mad knight-
nice drop. Your usage of the topic wasnt really a original concept, next time try bring a more original approach to your topic. Add a twist to the end to leave the read amazed.
You lyrical content is good,but again try finding more complex words to add more visionary into your peice.
Emotion is ok,could of been deeper. But I feel you hit the story line ont he head.

next time if your writing from a perspective. try say YOU instead of I. that way the reader can feel like he/she's the character and feel the stort line and emotion and all that.

Fraud- your drop is simple. Your approach to the topic isnt good at all. It was what I expected fromt he topic name reall,which is never good cause it doesnt show originality.
Your emotion is good. I can give you that.lyrical content is reasonable. But your whole drop as a whole just didnt cut it.

same advice I gave to mad knight, try a more original approach to your topics. Allmost brainstorm everything you coudl write about. Originality will win battles.