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Old 08-29-05, 10:12 PM   #8
Keysha Hellkat
New to RV
Posts: 23

naw, not when you put up the pic and you get 6 PMs talking about "Wassup cunt" and comments similar to that, it had nothing to do with what you said. Call me uptight all you want, I dont have time for bullshit. If you dont like that move around, I'm not about to sit here and kiss yours or anybody elses ass on here. When you come at me with bullshit I will send you off and I will dismiss your existence. If that makes me uptight then oh well... like I said, I'm not one of them easy hoes that'll just let you come at them anyway. I dont do it in person and I damn sure dont have time for it online. Like I said, not uptight.. just aint got time for bullshit. But you know so much about me and about why I actually took the pics down or why I do what I do. WOMP. You're more uptight than I am.. trust me. That sex monster comment is childish, I'm not a child. So before it gets out of hand I'll just ignore it. Maybe you playing Captain Save a Hoe cause you and him suckin each other off or something. I dont know, really don't care. Fuck the bullshit, plain and simple.

But I guess I should be like "Please come have cyber with me", imagine that. Try [url][/url], might find a bitch like that there.
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