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Old 09-01-05, 02:11 AM   #1
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Posts: 15
From: Under a rock
Lucifer Taking Over


Infernos rage across the land, flames consuming everything in sight
and Lucifer sits at his new throne on earth, evil glittering in his eyes
holding chains attatched to the necks of all of the straining men
they carry out all of his orders, while wondering when it will end
what happened to the quote believe in christ and you will be saved?
but finally evil won the battle, and across the land His diminions rage
Faith in Christ first diminished and now it is finally dispursed
when soldiers of God did not come down from heaven to end this curse
Every one has headaches in their head, like hangovers from hennessy
The power of religion has broken when Lucifer destroyed the Trinity
Crosses burn in the streets, and churches fall to the ground
the body of the pope and other religious figures is nowhere to be found
on the streets are the bodies of angels who stood and fought
but the demons of hell overpowered them and gods soldiers lost
but through all this chaos ramping across the streets
i still kneel down and pray, hoping ill live throughout the week
im a devoted Baptist, and until i die i always will try to be
the devil tries to convert me, i keep standin my ground until they kill me
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