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Old 09-02-05, 11:15 PM   #4
Light Weight
Posts: 351

News Reporter
"Good morning My name jane yasamotu I am here with new orleans fire department leader as he take's us thru some of the account's he has witnessed in his clean up process here in New Orleans.
Sir can you tell us the most shocking thing you have come across while on clean up in this flood rampant state"

"Well jane,The one thing that stands out in my mind was a diary we found a young girl clutching onto. This girl was one of many victims of the flooding here in new orleans. Strangly enough,thru all the rain and water the diary was still comprehendable.
let me read to you a few pages from this girls tourment"

Dear diary(Confused situation)

My dad wont explain to me about all the news reports,dudes distraught why so much foods been brought
everyone seems to be waiting for something like eternal damnations been thought
I tug on my dads shirt asking him what's going on? what should I prepare for?
I can hear thru his ravished lies and I can tell why his anguished eyes are scared for
he tell me "everything's ok,weather stations get it wrong 90% a the time"
But Im unsure why police are standing with guns tryna prevent Un-happening crime

Dear Diary(first sign of fate)

I awoke this morning to a noise as loud as thunder pounding on my roof
I guess now I see why my dad didnt want to tell me the truth
As I huddle in my blanket to try create a safe enviroment of love
I feel un easy with fare like a chaif inside of my blood
i shdder to think is this the start of the end of my life
I hear my parants call for me i answer with glee and pretend Im allright
I want to stay strong,cause I know the worst is yet to come
I feel like we waiting for it so i ecpect to run
As I take a glimpse outside I can see the truth in its puriest form
new orleans..the land of love is now a lake just been norn.

Dear diary(the escape attempt)

As we grab whatever we can in a flurry of fear for the worst
Last thing i recall my dad saying is stick together to stear clear of the hurst
I left the door first tryna grab onto whatever would keep me a float
My last memory of my fathers touch,was him handing me a coat
could feel water down my throat i was being chucked like leafs in a breeze
I couldnt beleive this was happening at my front door what I read about over seas
floating faster than rapid down the nile, I loose site of my dad but can still her his voice
dont know if hes willing to save me or let me die.. i fear his choice
My visiblity isnt strong, but Im aware other's are near by being tossed and truned
is this death? im unsure if this is worse or being lossed and burned
My mind blanks out for what feels like a enternity of water swallowed
Is this the moment when my fathers daughters hollowed????

"So as you see,death here is as easy as one step out your front door"
New's reporter

*sniffles* "thanks for your time. Im jane yasamotu reporting for Cudsit won news"