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Old 09-04-05, 04:28 PM   #1
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015
Crazy Boy Blues...Pt. 1

IP: t-t-t-the story...the story of the crazy boy blues...
Part One of a painful encounter

Suffuse the shadows, listen intently just 'cause this is world news:
lace up your shoes, put those legs to use, it's the crazy boy blues.
All my bruises ooze insanity, this is another tale of parental abuse,
listen to this story, a story of a crazy boy....
and the crazy boy blues.

Look at my eyes, the bloodshot hues in which darkness is infused.
Ignore the excuses, I refuse the muses of people without my views.
Please, you wish you choose, figure out who's fuse to slightly ignite,
could you live without clues? No, I know the mysteries of the night.
I'm from the institution, yeah I've got constitution, this is my delight.
I'm not quite polite of another's phlight, whose your shining knight?
Not me, I'm the one in the trees. Scream please, it's just one tease;
I'll bury you under the snow...
call Batman, 'cuz I'm Mister Freeze!

Ha, I'm not going to really kill you, I leave that up to nature's forces.
like, oh, Death Valley, as I'll host concerts with some dead corpses.
I show no remorse, I'll choose the course of your approaching death,
I'll squeeze out your breath...and subtract all your limbs to the tenth.
Cast shadows on camper's tents, 'n I bent the will of all these events.
Listen, it's the crazy boy blues, the crazy boy blues,
a story nature presents.

Sorry, it's closing time for this tale's part one,
tune in next time to the story of an abused son.
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