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Old 09-05-05, 08:09 PM   #13
Succès Facile!
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Posts: 1,323

Voted For: Status

Implicit's Break Down........

This kids rhymes smell like the bathroom..Makes me shout in horror
Like toilets used by Fat Bastard his Status is Out Of Order*
Okay opener...coo..punch is aiight,Not really effective...4/10

You from Sacramento? Ha! I'll let it dawn on you, see
Cause you might be a Lil Scrappy but you still Not A King**
Didnt rhyme at all,an tha punch is coo..if it rhymed!3/10

You're equivalent to your sports team..No I'm not a hater
Cause The Kings would never be able to beat me..Even if I Peja(paid ya)***
Nice personal on his state!....Good structure!...7/10

overall 5/10..average,but still coo..

couldve worked on tha wordplay a lil more tho'

Status breakdown....

You’re getting sabotaged by viruses on your way to internet fame
Cuz you couldn’t elevate in these streets if you where David blane
This is an aiight punch,sorta played tho'..but nice word play...5/10

The way you only do text its like you don’t have an esophagus
Or maybe in audio your existence isn’t wanted like foster kids
Hah!..A lil personal,I like this one cuz tha flow of words an structure wasnt hard ta read it out,but still coo..6/10

Don’t mean to self glorify but get the message, im dope
Can kill you with out touching you like second hand smoke
You said it self glory...but still tha punch is good....7/10

overall....6/10 juss a smidget over average...

my vote goes ta STATUS
cuz Implicit wouldve had it if it wasnt for that line that didnt rhyme...Sorry!

WeLL Kids tha show is over.....
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