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Old 09-06-05, 01:54 AM   #29
Posts: 47

Voted For: Drama Queen

Drama Queen-Ok...good verse.Stayed on topic and shit.Had a basic rhyme scheme..but flow was still good.I liked some of the metas and comparisons you did.Like the eagle/soarin one.Really deep shit here.Only line I didn't like was the one about needin a hug.As it appearing to come outta nowhere and fucked with your wording and all.But overall...good verse...8.8/10

Chip-Really...and I mean...really...fucked up structure.I mean...look at the 1st 2 lines.You seemed to stay on the concept goes.But your wording was messed as some lines just seemed to come outta nowhere.And ur flow was ite..but the words u rhymed weren't.Like that 2nd to last were rhymin me with me too much.And ur lines weren't deep...they were really basic.Newbish next on don't have one line so long and the one after so short.Make ur rhymes more complex.ANd drop the newbish style

Vote-Drama Queen
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