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Old 09-06-05, 09:41 PM   #45
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

ppl who think this is race r dumbasses, u realize the whites evacuated and the blacks stay to loot. its a fact down there that is why in the burbs a lot of white families have guns for hurricanes so ppl dont rob them. i would know my family got outa there a day before the hurricane. and as for the relief arriving when it did. it takes time to package everything and ship it and get enough man power down there and the blacks shooting at rescuers didnt help much neither.

if u think the govt. did it because of blacks u r retarded. they gave a warning 3 days in advance to evacuate.

the only thing racial about this is the fact that the blacks stayed behind to either loot or because they were too poor to get outa the city and theres no easier or nicer way to put it, thats wat happened. i feel bad for the poor ppl who had no choice but to stay, but the ones who stayed to loot and steal things from houses deserve w/e happened to them
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