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Old 09-06-05, 11:16 PM   #10
GrEeN PaRtY!
New to RV
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Posts: 69
From: underground

Voted For: InfiniteStan

This battle was weak, not much to work with, no beef either to both of ya'll...i'm just telling the truth...
you had the better verse here. Ok lines that had at least some multies, weak ones though, but your punches did come across hard hitting in this verse. you had some creative punches, tried to use some creativity, i feel you could have done better though overall, try next time to really diss your partner, look up some shit about them.
your verse was overall in need of help, you should look up personals about your partner as well, i'm just trying to help, no beef here. You're rhyme scheme was basic, try to be more creative and use wordplay,multies...a different approach, this will help you in the long said "i'ma show you a lesson or too, this faggot been rejected by every single crew" could have gone off on that tangent with more words, it ended too abruptly.Feal me? Then you skipped onto a completely different consept without explaining why this cat is like this..Again no beef people, just trying to help..overall, i feel stan won this battle. Goodluck both and 1
Enhance Your Experience....NORML


Will Return Feed/honest vote
Battle Vs. AITZ(australian dude)