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Old 09-07-05, 01:56 AM   #22
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From: sacramento

Voted For: Mystic Chaos

aight you won but you need to work harder on your similies and your punches

death.. you got murder you need to work harder and elevate that might have seemed liek it was good but then again it wasnt , im not haten im just telling the truth and if you wanna ghet better just stay on this site and you will elevate just read alot more books and battles and you will get alot better

mystic...yo you beat him and you had good consepts but they where all worded wrong and none of your bars hit hard you need to work on similies and metaphores and perosnas, most of your bars wher wack but they had good consepts, if you would have took a few more minues on each bar then they would have hit alot harder ..just keep battling

vote= choas

rtf please
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