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Old 09-07-05, 11:52 PM   #5
Posts: 4,917
From: colorado

Originally Posted by Serial
Yeah I hate when they ask that shit.

Id have to say the originators of the english lifstyle, influenced the english culture, from theatre to everyday household items.

Thas easy if you go into detail to what they started.. cause they were the originators of poetry an story tellin an all that. Scribes were anglo saxon werent they? Shit its been so long since English Lit 12 lol. Its all crumbled into one section of my brain, slowly withering away, only have bits an pieces.

Beowulf was a good epic..

Ill look some shit up cause Im takin all this in university, next month.

Beowulf is the reason that we have to research this shit... Our teacher thinks we need more backround on the Anglo Saxons before we read it... She doesnt realize that we just learned about them last year in world history... Though this particular question never came up...

All I know is like the religion aspect... If a Priest commits a crime than the only people who can punish him is the Catholic church, the King cannot...

Thats about it.
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