Thread: fraud vs Vaskez
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Old 09-08-05, 05:17 PM   #25
A Life Of Chryme
Posts: 5,019
From: Boston

Voted For: fraud

Bitch ya produce more wack than a flyswat, ain't no mack
You gettin turned into a pin... the only time you successfully a-tack
^Good wordplay, good diss nice opener 5/10^
I heard you're wack n' fraud-u-lent........out your lyrics
But still didn't get any INTEREST, that's how I hear it
^Good vocab, weak punch 3/10^
My verse, ya better fear it, cos YOU rap as quiet as a mouse
N' it might seem like good in-tent...
.............................................but ya still sound shit "in tha house"
^Lol....nice punch nice wordplay 6/10^
Get ya ass off the couch, but ya pussy, don't try steppin'
Cos if rap's your forte...then I'm the fuckin siege weapon
^ok closer, kinda weak but good enought 4/10^
Overall:Ur verse contained nice wordplay that caught my eye, ur verse was filled with good creativity...ur punches were in the middle...none too hard hitting nor soft hitting.Ur Personals were there along with ur vocab im feeling ur verse 6/10


The table is set, & im gonna kill yet another
Cuz im the toast of the town & murder is the bread & butter
^Weak punch, lame wordplay...not feelin it 0/10^
Imma pound vaskez so hard his head has craters, destroying his spline
N we know he aint original, cuz he serch for old-punches to flip like a trampoline
^ehh, ok wordplay...bad flow and structure....4/10^
u aint a hero who came home from iraq when i say the whole block-is clappin *meaning shoting*
vaskez couldn’t move a crowd if he was throwin rocks at ‘em
^ehh, not feelin this...honestly weak punch 2/10^
vaskez was talking flagrant, aint no avoidin a beatin'
Then acted so rash... he needed some ointment to treat it
^Good closer, good wordplay probally best line 6/10^
Overall:Ur verse was not really that good, u lacked hard hitting punches....ur personals just werent there for me man, ur vocab was low...had only a couple strong vocabulary words...i felt ur wordplay was easy and played.....not fealin hate man, ur verse 4/10^


rtf on 1 of these links, since i kindly analyzed ur whole battle

Vote switched: