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Old 09-09-05, 05:34 PM   #7
Poet's Daughter.
Dervla's Avatar
Posts: 360

he waits patiently in the deep grass and he smells the wet ground
with out making an sound, then he hears a utter load loud noise pound
he see's you and your sweating and he can taste and feel your fear
as you move the whistling of the leaves draws him closer. He’s near
actually running for your life, tree's around you making funny faces
"I've gots to get out of this place" He comes closer as you paces
weird sounds echo's in your ear, ask yourself "Can I really get out?"
The smell of the swamps where bodies lay. You might be next now
screaming while the alligators sink their teeth in you, but did it happen?
All you remembered was the bullet ripping your torso
..................."You've lost" tell me how does it feel to hunt/kill a human?

*Rolls the Dice...Number 1 displays...*

O he's a tough one, you knew he was one, when you caught him.
The feeling excites you when he running with a smile instead a grim
With only a knife as his only weapon but manage to kill all 5 people
The 1st was walking around alone, and screamed when the
.................................................S harp blade went into his pupil
The 2nd when he started his ATV and blew up into inferno flames
The 3rd when he couldn't take it no more with his own gun and aims
The 4th when sleeping, cutted the head off without screaming. R.I.P.
The 5th one the one who you dearly loved as you saw your son bleed.
How does it feel to stand alone in this game, are you scared? be cautious.
It seems that the game you've created it's about to have it first losses

At first you was a leader but now you stood alone in the abyss of lonesome
He broke every piece of glass now you stand nonexistent, in a bad glum
You putted yourself in this, you picked the contestant. now your being hunted
How can you bear this longer, knowing he isn’t going to stop till you are sainted
You've created something so divine but now it grew thorns and your being punctured
Quick as Lightening He is, But Splits your heart while you scream like loud thunder
You hold the dice in your hand and the outcome is your life has been shaded.
Shaded into a soul, to the pits of hell. Where you'll be anguish and punished
Game is over, and the winner is the challenger, sadden that you couldn’t beat him
Now you lay in a pool of blood, chances of you playing this game now is slim

......FUCK YOU! LOL.
mystery Is a Freak!!

ITawAPuddyKat: Yeah, I guess. But I won't be a Lesbo for life.
Smartone Freal: oh so u DO have plans of turnin str8
ITawAPuddyKat: Well Yes, Yes I do.
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: Lol, all smiles aren't we? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol yea i cant hide what i think bout u
Smartone Freal:
ITawAPuddyKat: ...Oh, what DO you think about me? Lol
Smartone Freal: lol sorry thats private
ITawAPuddyKat: EWWWWWWW..*Sigged*
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