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Old 09-09-05, 11:38 PM   #4
A Life Of Chryme
Posts: 5,019
From: Boston

as a subtle tear of pain and anger,flows like a river down my cheek
No words to talk or speak as I fall to the floor due to body being weak
The masked voice caller carries on talking of my own life’s leaving
In my desperate time of need I have to stand and comfort as I’m grieving
As I crawl into a ball but still hearing on the phone,his heavy breathing
He tries to talk sweet and nice,getting a proposal made,trying to be deceiving
As I mutter simple words down the cell so he knows I haven’t gone
Then he quickly says good bye,but I can’t reply due to images I’ve drawn
Skeptical thoughts run through my brain of murder and self-destruction
But in everybody’s own life stories there’s an ending after the introduction
Phone call after phone call he leaves me with only a complexed choice
The choices stand strong, no chance of reasoning die in agonyor with out noise
Dialing for help is not an option for he was my phone dial on lock
Asking me for life or death, my mind wondering having sorts of skeptical thought
As simple it may seem life is not an easy option, for he has twists up his sleeve
To pick life would mean my mother suffers as hard as it is to believe
Thoughts tracing through my mind how one can be cruel and conive
How he is able to take ones dignity and at the end its all deprived
Haulted in my sentence i was not able to speak fully to this man
Talking with great anger his speech is like an illegal contreband
Getting down to the final thoughts of this conversation that is being held
My answers are put towards him but all my statements have been repelled
Anxiety is taking over crazed in a state of mind..answering so he will hear me
I tell him IM HAVING SKEPTICAL THOUGHTS this answer is not easy
He tells me either answer you pick they both are going to please me
Being brave and bold the answer has been reached to an agreement
Telling this lunatic it will be me to take death using great vehement
Stoping to relive my memories that are so sweat on this earth
It all goes back to the day my beloved mother gave me birth
*with out thinking further...a shot has gone through the window and hit me...Dies instantly*