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Old 09-10-05, 04:54 AM   #25
pInkMonkeY's Avatar
Posts: 740

Originally Posted by Untraceable
Weed is not a gateway drug............plain and simple its not.....a gateway drug to me would be like coke or ex cuz they get you liking the drug more and like tripping so you do other halucinagin (sp?) so yeh to me it seems like that would get you to experiment the other ones out there as well......

over awhile weed gets dull. well it used to anyway since
dealers are making it more potent every year. to search
for that high people go to other drugs.

and to whoever said he hasn't heard of anyone dieing of weed
have you ever heard of someone dieing of ciggarets?
no. because the effects of the ciggs kill people not the cigs

That Sundown Produc`s n Shit.
fuck YOU done good in life.
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