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Old 09-10-05, 04:58 AM   #26
pInkMonkeY's Avatar
Posts: 740

Originally Posted by Nostradamus
And you dont think this could have been prevented if people were taught from a young age what drugs are able to be done safly and what drugs are life fucks?

:| i feel yah maybe in some worlds where
kids actually listen to their parents.
but think of how much money is in drugs.
and think of how corrupt governments are
and then put those together...and realize
shits too late. there are far too many crack
heads dishing it out to kids, and far
too much green circulating through crack based governments.
back when weed actually didnt fuck you up
maybe when they didnt have alcohol prohibitions
maybe it could have worked.

That Sundown Produc`s n Shit.
fuck YOU done good in life.
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