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Old 09-10-05, 12:14 PM   #14
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by Jack The Ripper
Seriously now, I'm sure I speak for the most part of RV when I say no one gives a fuck about what your doing off the net. Kids are trying to use that like they got and advantage over other people. Half the kids on RV don't even wanna get signed to a rap label, the other 25% could careless if they do or don't. Then others are trying to get somewhere with this. No one cares about the moves your making, no one cares about what your selling. Stop with the fucking bragging, no one cares you got an album, no one cares that your signed. So you stupid kids better stop being like, "homie you aint doing shit off the net" Why? Cuz i'm not signed? Lmfao, no is trying to get signed anyways, and even if they are, they don't give a fuck that you are, they wouldn't care if you were 50 cent making millions and world famous. Your sales are prolly all wack anyways, you label prolly sucks, and everyone probably isn't even trying to make it rap cuz they all got jobs making more money then you anyways. I respect the hustle and all, but f'real, no one really cares about the bragging rights you don't even have. -_-

I understand what it is your'e trying to say.But think about it...if you had a record deal or something like that...wouldn't you brag about it every chance you get?I mean...they work for the deal..why can't they?And ur arguement is that "no one cares about ur album or getting signed".So the same thing can be switched around and thrown back at you.Why should those who have a deal/album about these kids here who ain't doing shit?Why should the people making moves care about the netcee's who get mad at the fact that they ain't got shit in the rap game?Cuz you claim the netcee's don't care about the people why should the people signed care about the netcee's?
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