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Old 09-10-05, 10:13 PM   #13
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036

Ok...I went to see it tonight and here's my spin.

#1...The premise/plot actually grabs your attention. The storyline of a priest on trial for "negligent homicide" while performing an exorcism intrigued me. The director decided to tell the story through flashbacks, which I didn't mind. The problem with this movie, however, is that the writing was bad. The female lawyer saved this movie, somewhat like barbara Streisand saved "Meet the fockers". Nos said the acting in the courtroom scenes was bad. I agree to an extent. I think the actors did the best job with the skimpy script they were giving. However, the plot actually makes you want to know what happens at the end with the priest.

I jumped maybe once in the whole movie, which is saying alot because I NEVER jump at movies. The exorcism scene at the end was disturbing to me...not in the vein of Linda Blair, but in a "WTF" baffled reaction sort of way.

I'd rate the movie 2 stars out of four. Go see it if you have nothing else to do. Wait for DVD if you want to impress your date. haaa

On another note, I wanted to bash these dumb asses in the back of the skull for laughing and talking throughout the whole movie. THe usher came in, said "hush," then walked back out. Guess what. The talking continued.

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