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Old 09-11-05, 07:02 AM   #8
Above Originality
Posts: 2,757

skies the limit, so i reach for the stars
the more i rech the more it gets far....
stuck in a wicked time of sense,imagery confused
times of abandonment scars appear,mind defused
treachory of pain yet still ya yonder
beyond imaginable illusion,still i wonder
consider it a test yet i still try my best
not ever giving up so quick,lay my mind to rest
...........slowly thinkin...........
higher times of lifes own conception
deluted and depleted scenes injected
rejection of glory still lost in the water
start swimming through blood,life gets more harder
charter of skillz yet still in doubt of one
in doubt of your self unsure,past not gone
towards lifes games you stay strong no matter
fighting your own fight....serve it on a silver platter
crazy mind of games, gems of jewels...treasure island
your imagination runs wild...nevermind....lost island
..........DAWN.........12 midnight.........
still awake lookin at the stars...not giving up
all this cant make it and such quiet and yet still.
dont move or make a sound stop!....CHILLZ
shivers down your spine cus you know you made it
lookin back at life...people who didnt believe you'd make it...
so now you've proved them wrong....your dreams succeeded!
the sky is the limit..............just dont go over......and ecxeed it!


nice drop ~bless~
Chryme Syndicate
-Chalkin' Up Your Future
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