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Old 09-14-05, 05:02 PM   #22
Middle Weight
Posts: 648

Originally Posted by 9th Degree
I didn't know incredibly forced wordplay, horribly worded punches, and "met-a-l" lines were still considered dope. Or maybe Status is just a dumbshit. Oh well, uppin'.

*watches my wordplay go above 9th degree's head*


So u trying to say..that punches..that are flat out weak and played..are considered dope?Look at ur fuckin verse.You had a minimum/d's-range line..which has been used to death...n not just in battles..BUT IN THE CYPHER!!kids are able to freestyle the punches that ur able to make in an hour's time?U had a cukoo's nest line with a forced rhyme..and not to mention..the punch itself was fukin weak.An RM line that self glorified.And y is rippin on my previous site a worthy diss?And then..ur last bar...the only attempt of word play in ur verse.And it was basic.I remember memisis tellin me in our battle that one sllyable wordplay was played..yet u go n do it..and everyone's on ur jock sayin ur shit's dope.And go read that met-a-l line again.It's based of ur user title wit all the K's n shit.Alkali/all-call-eyes..metal/met-a-l.Is that so fuckin hard for you dumbass?And Not to mention u only had 2 played n the other SG.i had personals in every bar...personal wordplay.U had one line with wordplay..and it was general dissing with the newpaper shit.Whackness at it's finest.

And then u complaining on status's vote?...STFU.