Thread: Good Books.
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Old 09-14-05, 07:41 PM   #1
Stre'T Dream'R
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Posts: 558
From: Shaolin
Good Books.


Im half way thru this Power Reading course, teaching me to read faster but with better understanding of what Im reading.

Id like to jus bomb thru some books, I start college in a couple months an probably havent read anything useful since Grade.12, which is 3 years.

I need some books to read, get my brain working smoothly again. Story boooks, philosophy books, conspiracy books.. all that shit interests me.

Last book I read was Farenheit 451, which is sort of a cultish/conspiracy book an I love readin that shit.

I know a lot of you are in highschool an thas where you read some dope books, specially if you got an interesting english teacher.

So gimme somethin good to read.
After watchin Jackie Gleason, walked into a precint
Gunned down a captain for no fuckin reason

Cisum Redrum.2oo5
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