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Old 09-14-05, 08:32 PM   #1
Tha Q.
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Posts: 10,036
Okay...nebody hear bout this new gay cowboy movie comin out?


I forgot the name of it...but it comes out in a couple weeks...It's a movie about two rugged cowboys that decide to have a sexual relationship with each other

now...the story is a serious drama...but I'm sure people will find it "funny"

This actually lead me to rethink what exactly makes something "funny". I came to this conclusion. People laugh when they are uncomfortable, and also when something unexpected happens. So, much of the "humor" in this serious movie will be in the heads of insecure people watching. The writers and directors decided not to play into stereotypes, rather use this movie to debunk myths about gay relationships and gay men.

I do, however, predict that this movie will not do well in the theaters. Too many people will be afraid to go see a movie in which the theme is homosexual relations. Shit, they were scared to put "Alexander" in the theaters...ridiculous should be interesting to see how this pans out

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