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Old 09-15-05, 11:36 PM   #17
leady's Avatar
Posts: 3,754
From: U.K Reppin the LS18

the only time im negative is when the person is an arsehole, otherwise im polite with my feedback, yes ill tell them it sucks but ill explain why and how to improve

black magik is over-rated.. yea hes decent but far from dope... intermental still has ALOT to learn so i wouldnt take there crits on u too seriously.

kid i know what i do, and people can back it up.... you seriously do suck, im not saying that cos of this situation or cos of my view on u im saying that cos your music really does make me cringe. your flow is hella basic and quite often in-consistent... but ya know what... ima stop now and let my rhymes do the talking 2moro.... i got some spare time 2moro so watch yaself.... peace
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