Thread: 9/11 Conspiracy
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Old 09-18-05, 03:53 PM   #34
Posts: 1,382
From: Bronx, NY

I typed this all up right now...explaining it all...

The Illuminati is basically a group of individuals across the entire globe...high ranking military officers, the top CEO's of the biggest industries, top politicians like presidents, prime ministers etc. all past and present, etc. Basically the biggest and most powerful/wealthy people on earth can be found involved in the illuminati. The main aim of these people is to control the world.

Most people once they hear control of the world will automatically say "bullshit"...but when you put 2 and 2 together it is a VERY likely situation and its already been started...and Bush Senior mentioned it many times while in office referring to it as the "New World Order" which will SLOWLY but SURELY take away everyones rights that they have in the United States and the Patriot Acts are the first to do it, the Government can now record online messages and phone conversations legally because of this and before they werent allowed to. It is EXACTLY like Hitler and the Jews...slowly but surely Hitler started taking away the Jews rights for "protection" claiming if you want protection we will give it to you but you have to give certain rights away...ok fine. But the problem with this is, the government puts more and more fear into people through the TV and radio...remember anthrax, sars, biological weapons? how many people did anthrax kill? like 30...sars? like 4 in the US, biological weapons? none...

The Government lies lies lies to make you scared because fear is more powerful then anything else...the government will plug all of this fear talking about terrorist this terrorist that when in reality its not that big of a deal terrorist attacks dont happen often unless its during a war in another country. Remember when 9/11 hit a while after they said it was Osama and Afghanistan...we went to war because of 9/11, and 9/11 was caused by Al Quaida in Afghanistan

first it was

"War on Terrorism" remember that? then it changed to
"Operation Iraqi freedom"

now wait a minute...werent we just doing terrorism and al quaida...and then suddenly switch to iraq and freeing the people?...does that make ANY sense to any of you?

Sadaam was NO THREAT to the U.S., UN inspectors checked Iraq every year from the 1990 Gulf war and since then no biological weapons have been 1995 Sadaams son in charge of the weapons destroyed them, but the government told you they had them...they showed pictures "This is the base here...this is the hangar theyre holding them in" BULLSHIT...for all we know they could be making cigarettes and tampons, the government can put any picture of the middle east and claim theres missles under it and people will believe it, the government had NO PROOF what so ever that sadaam was making these missles...but instead they went into Iraq ILLEGALLY...this is called imperialism on the iraqi people...this is all about power and money and Bush is using good peoples lives for his advance in political status, in order for Sadaam to be incorporated with Al Quaida he would of had to given up some power, Sadaam may be crazy BUT HES NOT STUPID...he would NEVER give up power to someone else especially someone whos not an iraqi so basing all of this on an al quaida/iraqi relation is complete bullshit...they werent working together and invading Iraq was illegal, but Bush convinced and lied to the congress about it which is a felony.

Thats basically the fucked up shit about 9/11 that makes the Iraqi war inconclusive, and yes the government had knowledge of 9/11 before hand and they chose not to interviene because it will upp their political power AND this is the perfect time to engage in more new world order tactics...RIGHT AFTER 9/11 the country was on watch for more terrorist attacks raising the color bar and all of this was not needed...anthrax didnt do nothing sars didnt do nothing but all of these scare tactics paved the way for the patriot away more freedom for "protection"

Then the government will stage more terrorist attacks and make you more scared and more patriot acts will arise telling you well give you protection but you have to give up some of your freedoms...and this will all happen slowly...and by the time you notice all of your freedoms are gone and the protection wont be given to you since you dont have any freedom to say anything about it and they will just wipe out whoever is disobediant and use us all as slaves and this WILL become a nazi-like world run by the illuminati.

Theres a lot more involved especially a place called Bohemian Grove which is the meeting place of these people, and what they do there is...crazy, satanic rituals and societies and they worship this 40 foot tall statue of an owl and theres a video of it, its just crazy...if you dont believe me about the owl get a 1$ bill and look on the top right next to the 1 and in the bush is a tiny tiny owl...why would they hide an owl so small? because they worship the owl so they wanted to put it on the dollar bill but at the same time they didnt want people to know about it, also on the back the pyramid is the symbol for the Illuminati, and the eye on top is the all seeing eye watching us all, through hidden cameras radios etc. and the latin language translates to "A new order of the ages" or something like that...heres a picture of the owl on the dollar bill

Thats basically some of what the entire conspiracy is about...

The Council
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