Thread: 9/11 Conspiracy
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Old 09-18-05, 04:11 PM   #44
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

You guys are making false assumptions.

I NEVER said I thought Bin Laden pulled off 9/11. I NEVER said Saddam Hussein pulled off 9/11. I NEVER said Bush had a good reason to go into Iraq. I NEVER said America should have soldiers over there now. Quit assuming that because I SUPPORT Bush, I AGREE with everything he does. I'm not going to bag out on the government because you can post up a website that says the government was in charge on 9/11.. and it couldn't have happened the way it did.

And no, I don't know "half" the side. Why do you keep assuming that because I said I don't want to look at THAT link I don't know what some people are saying? I DO KNOW. In the pentagon people are saying the security cameras aren't right, the plane's flight pattern didn't make sense.. In the Twin Towers people are saying that the buildings wouldn't have collapsed by being hit by those two planes.

And really.. I could give a shit less what those people have to say.

Believe what you want, it's all good. Just don't try passing off some gay ass website as "evidence" to me, because it fucking pisses me off.
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