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Old 09-19-05, 04:02 AM   #1
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007
Weathered The Storm ft Laureate,MakeShyft,Paranoid,The Great White,Illus'Artis


Different Styles Here Hope You
Readers Like The Blend.


I sat trapped in the back of Satan’s left pocket.
My soul just an artifact, years since I lost it.
Tossed it and labeled it as expired and faithless.
Never conformed and conserved, so I jus wasted.
Demons surrounded me, saturated my flesh.
As bloody hail corrupted the good I had left.
Despair and lost cause rained down from the sky.
As demise slowly climbed and hope declined.
Lightning was crimson and fueled the fire.
As my body lay rotten from sinful desire.


The sun burnt black, and the air lacked oxygen.
That feeling is back, the storm gonna box me in.
Clouds collided, and rocks of ice flew sky low.
Our love is put on hold, as the storm goes idol
I’m feelin wack, as the lightning brightly cracked.
My heart unexact, that tension is what we lack.
Created that love-lost packt, yea I miss it too.
Weathered the storm when my lips were kissin you.
Two minds become one, now together reborn.
One beautiful mind, in the eye of the storm.


Electrical clocks hit my brain, unable to fit my name.
I lay out excuses, so I follow Simon as I’m to fry fame.
Why do I generate, the lights are out? I feel so terrible.
All the rain, this weather made me steel the horrible.
So I picture the lost scripture, forcin the wind at night.
My mind lost, my crime tossed, sourcin a hint at sight.
Taken all the torched flame, spiritually un described.
God on hand, he was destroyed from the un subscribed.
But at least I touched the storm, so warm I had charm.
Ring the alarm, I’ll buzz the intelligence of bad harm.

The Great White

Look sweetly little one, behold the aftermath...
Water covers all... mixed with bodies and broken glass..
The government points fingers, to the right and to the left...
fault matters little though to those that traversed the river of death..
Look at a nations failings, gaze at the twisted smile of fate..
many stranded without food, so they starve, and they await..
Either their creator or flashes from cameras in their face..
"ma'am can you tell us, really transpired that day?"..
From here you can see it all, from here the visage takes form..
Above and beyond the clouds you'll weather the storm..

Illus' Artis

I'm spiritually in a war against a diabolical form.
Purged and torn. Informed my physical is warned.
Restricted, predicted obstacles, optics still shocked.
Let downs. Mind trapped in a box. Getting mocked.
I've been through it and more, stand, I still through it all.
God's strength, tackled seasons Winter through the Fall.
Due to you, I bleed through objectives that abused,
me physically, mentally and spiritual. Mental arose ,
allude ish that dooms the frail individuals. Was formed
scorned, literally thrown in and Weathered The Storm.


As I grasp my life’s last letter written in bloody water
franticly re-arrange my position to steer clear of a anguished slaughter
prevail a pause,not wanting to lay a hand out of place
evasivly release my anger dashing for safety without a visible trace
A unknown critical face arrives from the dark misty road
violent hand reaches for my neck in attempt to make my mind corrode
Pulling away I understand I cant escape a non physical form
realization of my destiny I see there's no escaping the visible storm
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