Thread: What is 'God' ?
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Old 09-20-05, 06:54 AM   #7
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

No descriptions of God that I've seen would contradict this theory. This is pretty dope. It makes a lot of sense... like... a LOT of sense. I'd like to help you develop this shit, if you wanna talk about it some time.

But there are a few unanswered questions I can think of. If you are comparing the God mind to our minds, I don't understand how things for us in this universe are so constant. This universe is stable. For us to conceive something in our minds is temporary, or at least its temporary for thought processes. Thoughts come and go, so either this universe is not the thought of a God mind, or its something very complex that we can't understand... perhaps a tiny thought that pops up in the God mind's mind and then dissapears could last millions of years in our time.

Or maybe this universe is housed in a sort of memory-like area of the mind? For example, we may not be thinking of something that happened in the past, but that doesnt mean if we want to think of it we cant. This God mind could have conjured up the universe as a huge complex thought, and then the thought may have dissapeared from the mind's eye and turned into a dynamic memory, that exists. You know what I mean?

I'd have to think over this theory a bit more to find more flaws.

Something else to consider is meditation. Many asian sects for example teach that mastering your mind (often through meditation) brings you to the same place as God, resulting in eternal happiness. Maybe this doesnt mean physically being in the same place as God, because he is a mind. It could mean being mentally, at the same level as God, able to create vast complex thoughts such as universes.

This is all just speculation off the top type shit though. But your theory is dope.
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