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Old 09-20-05, 09:07 PM   #1
Posts: 1,485
1000 Posts n Stuff


Omg cool I can join the kool kids club now..Okokok shoutouts..

Daemon- Make another Puppens Freestyle! Lol I have that shit on my iPod..
Drakel- Word, that sig I made you was dope. DAIRY PRODUCTS!
Soul Rebel- I'm too busy doing things...that involve stuff. Yup, Yuck Fou.
The Revelation- You're my buddy n shit. And you're cool.
OSB- We never finished our collab lol...yeah cool stuff.
Crushed- You puppens hater! The Puppens pisses on you lol. <3
distilled- GFX and gangster shit. Yup.
King Solo- Femcee of the Month! The sig i made you was dope.
.Extract. - Keep workin' on gfx mister man sir.
LFS- Cupcakes n shit, yup you're cool as hell.
Atticus- Lol CK was cool while it lasted, but its comin' back soon.
Col-B- Moo. Werd.
Mimesis.- Omg when will i ever make you a sig

If I forgot you then I'll add. I'm bored.
1000 POSTS! w00p/
i'm bored.
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