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Old 09-21-05, 06:41 PM   #1
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Posts: 42
Interrogation part 2


This cop waz askin me to suck his dick for my bail
I waz thinkin real hard I ain't no fag but don't wanna go to jail
Had no choice go away for about ten year or lose my manhood
Either way I do it the outcome neva gonna be good
The cop said u got 1 week to give me a reply to my question
So I went home layed down and got to my restin
Out of all thing this crooked cop wanted me to do why this
How the fuckin I gonna call myself a man wit a mouth full of piss
Then day 2 cam and I asked the cop why u wanted me to do that
He said after 25 years of confinment u can get used to that
I waz like damn I'll do anything except for that
He said got a better idea let me hit it from the back
I waz like hell no wut kind of fuckin freak are u
He said somebodys bitch for 25 years and nobody to complain to
He said all the nigga in there threated me like a strait wussy
The problem waz I waz lock up at age 15 and neva got no pussy
A virgin in prison so I went to the opposite sex for some action
Seein men for 25 years of ur life shit like that happens
I said if u were in prison for 25 years how the hell u get this job
I bribed the warden if he hired me he would get a blowjob
The next day came and like this dude is losin it
Incarserated at 15 and nuthin men to fuck wit
That whole week wonderin if there waz a way out of this mess
I found one way and it had to do wit puttin nutz on my chest
That day came and I said I'll do it cause I can't to 10 year
I got to much to live for wit a face full of tears
He dropped his pants and I got to work to get it ova
I wouldn't remeber shit cause I went ova the sober
I knew after that my wife and I would neva have the same relation
Just cause wut I had to do wit a crooked cop in an interrogation

Otha links
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