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Old 09-23-05, 09:02 AM   #6
Posts: 1,091

From what I recall, new 2257 rules went into effect back in June which requires secondary producers, which includes webmasters, to keep model documentation for sexually explicit (hardcore) content at their place of business and this location must be listed on the sites. All the US and Canada based porn sites that are charging for access already are doing this from the previous rules. Some webmasters are affected because they work from home and will not want to post their address online. Some content producers are also not wanting to release the model docs to everyone who buys their content for privacy reasons. My guess is the chances of the average webmaster getting a visit from the government is pretty slim considering the number of sites online and the time to physically visit each person.

Supposedly the FBI are also hiring agents to bring charges against pornographers for obscene content. Since porn is more accepted nowadays, they'll most likely end up going after the content that is more extreme and more likely to get a conviction by a jury.

Free porn will never disappear from the internet. If the government somehow manages to make porn illegal, it'll only affect the United States. They don't have jurisdiction in other countries.
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