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Old 09-24-05, 04:05 AM   #10
Posts: 3,918
From: Denver, CO

If he is a tech 'specialist' I would not be surprised at all if those figures were accurate. You could make huge amounts of bank with computers. Like, in the mid 90s.. imagine if you had bought 10,000 shares of Microsoft for $85 each. Now, today you sell them at $330 each, and being that you would have had the shares in so long, taxes wouldn't eat away at it either. Knowledge in techincal shit could easily make money.

But, I don't think the stock market is that simple to where you can sit down over dinner with your uncle and have it figured out. My dad is an attorney, and has been interested in the stock market, and has invested in the stock market, for over 20 years. I'm starting to talk to him about questions I have in the books he gave me, but shit is complex. It's hard to grasp right now, but he seems to think after I can understand the basics it should get easier, so whatever.. I'll keep reading, but shit isn't easy to comprehend at the beginning because there is so much shit about stocks that you need to understand to be successful.

And then, after that, you need to either watch the stock channels on the tv, read the business section of the newspapers, or look on the computer every day to figure out what's happening with stocks so you don't too much money.
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